Saturday, October 13, 2012

                                                                This I believe
                                                          What are my beliefs?
          During my early childhood, each time an adult gave me money to divide it between my little brother and myself, I would divide the money by tearing it up literally into two and giving the other half to my junior brother. As always, he would eventually complain about having the lesser half and I would respond by giving him a bit more of my half. This always made my mother upset but she understood how innocent and naive we were at that age. The reason why I gave this particular example above is that its moments such as the one mentioned above helped shape my belief.
          I believe in sharing and caring for humanity, family, and the less fortunate of society. I believe in accommodating older and younger ‘annoying’ siblings and their constant nagging for more. I quite remember my mom always mentioning ‘for the sake of peace, always accommodate family, friends and even your enemies if the opportunity arises’. By learning to care for my younger brother and accommodating his needs, it helped shape my belief of caring and accommodating the people most important in my life. By realizing the patience and the love my mom showed each time we acted this way, it instilled the seed of patience and love in my heart. She could have easily reached for the whip and spanked the melanin off our skins but each time she just smiled and explained to us the right way of sharing the money given to us. My believe is that sometimes people act differently and away from what we consider normal because like young Tobias they are just naive  innocent and not privy to information or whatever the need may be. It is during these times that I believe that as a society we must learn to care, accommodate, love their differences and teach them when the need arises.
Word count: 300

Thursday, October 4, 2012


                                                       BOTI MATTERS TO ME

 Boti falls  which serves as a place for tourist attraction has a high altitude and thin air as you begin to ascend the top of the hills where as the spring water that flows at the top could be used to quench ones thirst. With the cool breeze and the rustling of leaves to cool of the body from sweat during the walking trail and the umbrella rock which provides shade for relaxation makes it an ideal place to visit. Therefore my place matters because all over the world tourism is known to have been a promoter of major foreign exchange earner for a lot of nations. Although Ghana does not place much emphasis to gain maximum benefit to the nation from this industry the site has great scenery and a great atmosphere which each and everyone should experience and this is why boti matters to you and me.